Sunday, September 6, 2009

Be the Ultimate You!

Hi everyone, I want to share something great with you - I have recently partnered with a great company, Joyzone Inc, that offers personalized Nutrition Plans.
Each plan is special and unique, just like you!

The plan is set to guide, motivate, inspire and educate you to “Be the Ultimate You!”

Millions of people struggle with their weight. Obesity has become one of the developed world's most pressing problems.

People are bombarded with a huge variety of often conflicting information about nutrition. The magazine headlines on the grocery store racks are always advertising some new fad diet, magic pill, super tonic or supplement program and there’s always a new celebrity on TV claiming they got their amazing results from this. Diets like the high-protein Atkin's Diet that drastically reduce carbohydrates in favour of protein and fat are dangerous and they don't work long term. Diets like the very low calorie Bernstein Diet basically starve you and are very expensive and unmaintainable.


The simple answer is too many calories. If you consume more calories than you burn, the remainder is stored in your body as fat. To lose one pound of fat requires you to achieve a deficit of 3,600 calories.

That's the pure science of weight loss. But it doesn't explain why so many people are having so much trouble these days. After all, the laws of thermodynamics are the same now as they were 100 years ago, but being overweight was not the problem then that it is now.

The answer lies in what people are eating. Processed foods composed mainly of white flour and/or sugar are more popular now than ever before. In other words, the problem is related to the improper consumption of certain carbohydrates.

The Solution:

The solution is the Glycemic Index (GI). The GI was developed by Dr. David J. Jenkins in 1981 at the University of Toronto. The GI ranks foods according to their effect on blood sugar levels.

By mostly eating carbohydrates that have a low GI, as well as lean protein and healthy fats, stable blood sugar levels can be maintained. You'll feel full longer, because these foods digest slowly and give you a steady supply of energy. The cravings that are a result of blood sugar spikes and subsequent drops are reduced or eliminated.

All of these researchers agree that managing blood sugar levels through hormonal balance is the key to effective and sustainable weight-loss!

The Joyzone Difference:

Joyzone Inc. takes this research and proven effectiveness to the next level by creating the ideal 12 Week Joyzone Personalized Nutrition Plan specifically for you, taking into account your preferred food choices, your current weight and body fat percentage, as well as your goal weight and body fat percentage. Also taken into consideration is the time you wake up and the time you exercise (if at all) to fit your daily schedule.

Your profile is carefully studied so that you receive everything necessary for your success! Each day of your 12 Week Joyzone Personalized Nutrition Plan is crafted by a trained nutrition professional to ensure that:

• You receive a ratio of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats that is precisely designed to achieve the optimal hormonal and energy response in your body.
• You receive the calories suited to your goal, whether it’s to shed body fat, maintain a healthy body weight, or bulk up. Time-consuming calorie counting is eliminated.
• You have small meals during the day in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner so that you don’t feel hungry and you stay energetic.
• For those of you who exercise, you have a meal after each training session, so that your body can build and repair muscle and replenish its energy stores after the strain of working out. Nutrition + Exercise = Results.

That's the bottom-line!

• You will lose a healthy 2lbs of fat per week and increase your lean muscle, metabolism, energy, strength, self-confidence and lessen the chance of disease or health risks. At the end of the plan you will have programmed yourself to eating healthy, making proper food choices, utilizing portion control and maintaining an ideal weight for life!!!

So here it is; a call to action for you to make a responsible commitment to your own Health and Well-Being NOW!

We now invite you to make a lifestyle transformation of practicing proper nutrition, being energized, looking physically fit, feeling great and loving life!!!
Email me at for more information.

Cheers! To you.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Carolyn's Top Ten Nutrition Tips

Applying all or any of these tips can really make a difference in your effort to live a healthier lifestyle. A well balanced diet is so much more than just improving your appearance. It is essential to focus on a healthy functioning body and mind, which in turn will aid in preventing illness, slow down the aging process, boosting your energy levels, and lowering stress. So why wouldn’t you begin changing your bad eating habits? You only have one body. Treat it well!

EAT MORE BERRIES – All berries are a great source of antioxidants which help protect the cells in our bodies from damage, preventing disease and slowing down the aging process. Blueberries are an exceptional flavorful source of vitamins and antioxidants, while very low in calories. Strawberries and raspberries are an excellent source of Vitamin C and soluble fiber! Beauty tip: Eating strawberries can whiten your teeth!

DRINK HERBAL TEAS- These teas have several health benefits and taste great. Chamomile tea sooths an upset digestive system and is very relaxing. Rooibos tea is a great antioxidant. Mint teas are aromatic and extremely flavorful, and they also kill cravings for sweets. There are many varieties of herbal teas available and can be found in grocery stores, natural foods stores, and tea shops. Drinking more than one cup of tea per day can help you on your path to better health!

LIKE POTATOES? THINK SWEET! Swap your white potatoes for sweet potatoes, for an excellent source of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), vitamin C and manganese. These tasty vegetables are also a good source of copper, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, potassium and iron. Eat up!

EAT MORE CITRUS FRUITS- Citrus fruits hold an impressive amount of vitamin C. It is better to eat the fruit than drinking fruit juices, since the pulp is a great source of fiber. These fruits also aid in skin health, bone health and protect your heart, since they lower cholesterol, balance blood sugar, and activate liver detoxification. Add grapefruit, oranges, blood oranges, tangerines or tangelos to get the most out of your fruits!

COUNT CALORIES- You may be counting fat, protein, fiber or carbohydrate grams in your diet, but don’t forget to count calories. The number of calories you need for each day can be calculated and adjusted to help you reach your ideal, healthy weight. Use this link to find out how many calories you need:

GO GREEN! Here are some great reasons to add more green foods to your diet: they balance your pH, keeping your body’s pH at a healthier level, they aid in protecting your body’s functions, especially for brain function, they contain Chlorophyl, which acts as a blood detoxifier, and they are high in nutrients and enzymes necessary for your body to function, such as iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium and vitamins, including vitamins K, C, E, and many of the B vitamins.

GET YOUR FIBER- Fiber is important because it reduces the risk of developing heart disease by reducing cholesterol levels. Because fiber fills you up without adding calories, it can help prevent obesity. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, and whole grains also have high amounts of vitamins and minerals necessary for the functioning of a healthy body!

STAY HYDRATED- Water is an essential nutrient to our diets. It has many important roles, helping to move nutrients and waste through the body, maintain normal blood pressure, protect and cushion our joints and organs, regulate our body temperature and lower the risk of dehydration and heat stroke. Also, drinking more water fills you up in between meals, and prevents mindless snacking!

BAKE, GRILL, STIR FRY- All of these methods are healthy ways to enjoy chicken, fish and meats. Frying can add tons of calories and unhealthy fats to your diet. If you remove the skin from the chicken or meat, use a cooking-oil spray and coat the meat with instant potato flakes and sprinkle with your favorite herbs and spices, before cooking, you will add flavor and taste in a healthy, non-fatty, non-artery-clogging way!

SPICE UP YOUR LIFE! Here are just a few of my favorite spices with their health benefits: Cayenne pepper can increase metabolism and fat-burning ability by up to 25%; Ginger speeds metabolic rate, while inhibiting nausea and vomiting often caused by motion sickness; Peppermint is used to treat gastric and digestive disorders, as well as tension and insomnia; Cinnamon is often used as an remedy for an stomach upset as well as a metabolism booster!

Remember, these are just some of the benefits of eating better. Living a longer, more productive and healthier life is the most important one!

Keep On Shining,
Carolyn Fauteux

Do You Know What's In Your Skin Care?

Growing up with sensitive skin, I have always been in the hunt for a skincare line that agrees with my skin, does not cause break outs, and leaves it with a healthy, radiant glow. Well ladies, the search is over.

I started using the Sense Skincare line by USANA when I became an associate with the company, just over two months ago. Since then, I have noticed a definite change in my skin’s softness, smoothness, tightness, and overall look. The fragrance is great, very clean-scented and appealing. The best part about the product is that it is full of nutrients and free of parabens. The way I look at it, we owe this to our skin!
Sense skincare is not only for women, I know several of my girlfriends that have tried out the products, loved them, and now have their boyfriends and husbands using them as well! For me, it is always great to see the reactions of my friends, both in their skin and in their own personal self esteem. I am also amazed at the transformation when a close friend or client has had problem-skin for years, and the difference it makes after switching to the Sense line.

So if you have, like me, been in the search for a great paraben-free skincare line that tightens, smoothens and softens your skin, while leaving you with a clean, soft scent, I recommend this product.

They even offer an amazing 5 piece trial kit to try it out. Available for $25, shipped to your door in two days from the day you order!

Shoot me a message, at for further information on brightening up your skin.
There is also a great video to watch that talks about the Sense Skin Care line, here:

Cheers Ladies … Now Go Get your Radiance On!

Keep On Shining,
Carolyn Fauteux

Friday, August 14, 2009

Girls, Guys, RESET to a healthier self!!

Get that bathing suit out - Summer is here!!

The sun is shining and that means the race to get into your Beach Body!
Are you looking your Very-Best? If not, why not kick start your weight loss with an easy to follow, body invigorating cleanse?

Unfortunately, sometimes our bodies are so toxic that we will never be able to get rid of any body fat! So, our plan is to do a group-cleanse to help release the toxicity that has built up over this rainy summer and kick start your weight loss for the beach! The best part is: doing it together will help us all!!!

Would you like to join us?

Email and learn how to shed some extra pounds in just 5 days!!

This program is one of the leading nutritional cleanses in the world and is manufactured to the highest pharmaceutical standards.

It's called the 5-Day Reset

Who is it for?-Men & Women across the world (CAN, US, AUS, etc.)
-Those of us who can't be without sugar
-Carb-Addicts (pasta lovers!)
-Stressed out entrepreneurs (those of us who work too much)
-Anyone looking to shed 5-7 pounds
-Chocolate addicts
-Anyone wanting coaching in kicking the carbs to the curb
-Anyone who doesn't feel like cooking for 5 days =)

We will be cleansing together for 5 days under guided supervision and coaching. We will receive daily instructions and even site links to make this super easy! You will also receive a recommended reading list and some suggestions for after the cleanse to maintain your new beach-ready body.

Cost: $137 CA + tax (discounted rate)
$ 99 US + tax (discounted rate)
$ 95 AU + tax (discounted rate)

Start Date: August 24th
*The RESET kit will arrive right at your doorstep within 3-5 days of placing your order – So, please email me ASAP to join in on the fun & RESET, as we'll need to order by Friday, August 21st/2009.

What to Expect?
-Lose the cravings *Break free from your carb addiction & discover the benefits of low-glycemic foods
-Lose the pounds *Jump start your healthy, new lifestyle by losing those first 5 pounds.
Plus, RESET your body’s chemistry to achieve your ultimate weight loss goal
-Find a new you *Discover a lean, energetic & vibrant person inside of you.
Live your life the way it was meant to be!

"In a world filled with fad diets, that offer little more than short-term solutions for long-term
problems, RESET is the first step in beginning a new, healthier lifestyle."

~ Dr. Ray Strand, a leading authority on nutritional medicine ~

Cleanse Info:

Hurry up and place your order!!! That beach body won’t just discover itself!!!

To join our RESET CHALLENGE Contact:!

It can be challenging to stick with fitness/wellness goals on our own. Belonging to a group can be a great way to keep us all motivated and inspired! So, feel free to invite your friends and family too! All are welcome.

You only have one body, treat it well.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Carolyn’s Top Tips for the Most Effective Ab Workout

Focus on Your Whole Body You can’t pick a part of your body, do a bunch of exercises just for that single part and watch the fat just disappear. You must target your largest muscles to shed fat evenly throughout your body, and in turn, allow your abs to show. Focusing on working your back and chest, as well as your lower body through exercises such as push-ups, squats, and lunges, will help you achieve this!

Doing 100 Crunches a Day Will Not Lead to a Six Pack! You must work your entire core through varied exercises to have a strong midsection. All the sit-ups in the world will not give you a six pack without a proper diet! A healthy diet is the MOST IMPORTANT factor when you are losing weight and searching for those toned abs.

You Do Not Have to Train Your Abs for Hours At a Time Extremely long workouts provide no additional benefit to defining your abs. It will only cause weakness from overtraining. Less than 20 minutes per abdominal training session is ideal!

Do Cardio Before Your Ab Workout When you are warmed up as a result of cardiovascular exercise, you are able to get a better contraction with your abs while working them. Warming up helps you feel the deep muscular burn much more when your abs are trained. Warming up also helps prevent abdominal pulls or muscle strains.

Contract Your Abs in Between Sets This may help build definition in your abs. Bodybuilders have been known to stretch and flex in between sets to increase muscular tone and definition!

Minimize Rest Time in Between Sets Aim for 1 minute or less of rest time in between ab sets. Your main goal should be to keep rest to 30 – 40 seconds in between sets. This will keep the metabolism high, allowing you to burn fat at a quicker, more efficient rate.

Lower Your Sodium Intake Cutting down on sodium can make a huge difference in the way your abs look. Salt, water and fat lead to major fat surrounding the love handles!

Eat 5-6 Small Meals Each Day Instead of eating 3 large meals, try to eat 5-6 smaller meals, spacing them out so you aren’t going more than 2-3 hours without food. This will keep your blood sugar stable and your metabolism racing throughout the day!
Avoid Belly Bloating Foods Some foods are worse than others in how your body reacts with them and what causes that bloated feeling. Here are key belly- bloating foods to avoid: Excess Salt, Fried Foods, Carbonated Drinks, Refined White Flour and Artificial Sweeteners.

Focus on a Healthy Diet Your diet is the main aspect in toning and defining your abs. Supplementation should also be considered for best results. I love the quote, “Abs are formed in the kitchen, not the gym!”

Friday, August 7, 2009

Taken from Dallas - Recommended Skincare and Foundation!

04 August 2009
recommended: sensé and bare escentuals

As I've said before, I am very picky when it comes to skincare, mostly because my skin is too.

I usually use La Roche-Posay products on my sensitive, dry skin, as they are very gentle and moisturizing. I have previously tried other systems such as Clinique and Proactiv. Those trials ended in flaky, irritable skin, and a distrust of any prescribed system. For the past 2 years, I've loyally stuck to my Lipikar Surgras and little else.


As a true beauty product aficionado, however, I am always open to try new things. So when Carolyn suggested I try Sensé, the skincare line she sells, I was more than happy to do so.

What I liked most about the system was how clean and firm (but not stripped or tight) it left my skin feeling. My face felt truly refreshed, and had a nice glow going. Most importantly, it didn't irritate my skin, which so many products do. It also has a really pleasant smell, and blends easily onto the skin.

What also won me over is the fact that it's all-natural; its list of ingredients is so simple (and paraben-free) that all the products are actually edible.

Carolyn has been using the system for a while now, and she has noticed a huge difference in the appearance and health of her skin. Since I see her often, I can attest that it really has given her a glowing complexion.


I've been using Bare Minerals products ever since reading Beauty Confidential by Nadine Haobsh 2 years ago. I love the foundation, as it blends amazingly well, is featherweight, and amazingly covers my red skin. I've tried all different kinds of foundations (most recently Almay Smart Shade, with disastrous results) and I can say without a doubt that Bare Minerals is my favourite to date.

For the photo above, to further perfect Carolyn's gorgeous skin, I applied Bare Minerals I.D. foundation in Golden Medium, and added all over Warmth, and finished with Mineral Veil.


You can buy Sensé products direct from Carolyn ( and have the products shipped to your door within 2 days.

Bare Escentuals products can be found at Sephora, and at a lot of drugstores that sell premium product lines.

posted by Dallas at 5:09 PM
Labels: beauty

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Entrepreneurial Opportunity for Healthy Girls and Guys!

Attention Entrepreneurs!!

•Want to build wealth?
•Seeking an additional stream of income?
•Working too many hours or trading hours for dollars?
•Has your nutrition fallen off the wagon?
•Looking for more energy?
•Wondering how to replace a 40 year income in 3-5 years?
We at HealthyGirl partner up with the product of choice for the Women’s Tennis Association and the Olympic Teams competing at the Vancouver 2010 Games.

So join us, a young, inspired group of individuals who are making it happen!

Mix business with pleasure Thursday evening as you learn from myself and other entrepreneurs about our secret to becoming our healthiest and most successful selves!

It’s all happening on Thursday, August 6th, at 7:00PM.
We will be holding a Health and Freedom Seminar to show you how to take your life to the next level, both in the health and financial aspect.

Can’t make it Thursday night but still interested in more information?
Feel free to email me at with any and all of your questions!

Here’s to you, for taking your life and your health to the next level!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Want to Get Your Glow On?!

Want Radiant, Glowing, Gorgeous Skin, NOW!?

Try an amazing 5 piece trial of a skin care line that is full of nutrients and free of parabens, you owe it to your skin! Available this week, $25 shipped to your door by Friday! Message me to order!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Great Detox Soup Recipe!

You can eat as much detox soup as you want -- for breakfast, lunch or dinner too. For a healthy cleanse with a safe weight loss, replace at least one meal per day with it. You can eat the soup on this basis for a short 3-day cleanse, for a week-long light cleanse, or for 10 to 14 days for a good weight loss cleanse. Make sure the other two meals on those days consist mainly of healthy foods like fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, unbleached pasta or rice, eggs or egg whites, and broiled or baked lean meats or seafood only. No fried foods, please!
Into a large stock pot, add the following ingredients:

4 quarts filtered or spring water (substitute can of chicken broth for more flavor, which may lessen weight loss detox effect)
1 sm/med head of cabbage, sliced into thin strips
1/2 lb. string beans
2 med-large green peppers, chopped
2 15-oz cans whole or diced tomatoes
3 or 4 chopped carrots
3 or 4 chopped celery stalks
1 large onion, sliced or chopped up

1. Add cabbage to water, bring to boil and then simmer for one hour.
2. Add string beans, carrots, celery and onions; simmer for one-half hour.
3. Add tomatoes and pepper; simmer for another half-hour.

DO NOT ADD SALT or any seasonings. The soup will probably taste bland but it is filling. It has a negative calorie effect and promotes both fat burning and cellular cleansing. Enjoy!


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Health and Freedom Seminar - August 6th, Toronto

There are two challenges facing ALL generations: Finances and Health! Join us to discover how to be worry free!

• Want to build wealth?
• Seeking an additional stream of income?
• Working too many hours or trading hours for dollars?
• Has your nutrition fallen off the wagon?
• Looking for more energy?
• Wondering how to replace a 40 year income in 3-5 years?

Find it on Facebook!


Health Coaching

Attention HealthyGirls!

Introducing HeathyGirl 911 Health Coaching

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce the launch of our HealthyGirl 911 Health Coaching Program. Our HealthyGirl coaching sessions focus on you and only you; looking and feeling your absolute best every single morning. You will work with certified coaches specializing in the areas of nutrition, fitness, wellness and personal development. And the best part is, you pick the time and package that is best and most convenient for you!
Some of the common focuses of coaching sessions include a desire for increased energy, the want to get the most out of everyday life, weight loss, and guidance on starting or enhancing a fitness and nutrition program. Whatever your specific needs may be, we are there for you every step of the way to help reach those individualized goals!

Each Health Coaching Program includes a phone session with a certified HealthyGirl Coach, a resource list and an individualized action plan emailed directly to you, as well as access to special VIP events with HealthyGirl. A free HealthyGirl 911 Bonus Package will also be included, consisting of audios, articles, and all the tools you need to jumpstart your way to a better you.

So join us, all you HealthyGirls, and head over to to let us help you on your journey to the whole new you!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

HealthyGirl's 12 Week Healthy For Life Program!

Welcome to HealthyGirl's
12 Week Healthy For Life Program!

Remember, this is a lifestyle, NOT a Diet. This program is great for:

• Maintaining ideal weight or weight-loss
• Reversing insulin-resistance
• Kicking carb and sugar cravings
• Improving skin health
• Preventing Chronic Degenerative Disease
• Achieving optimal health
• Feeling energetic and radiant
• Increasing the immune system
• Building muscle and muscle recovery
• Increased endurance during exercising
• Energy throughout the day and long term health!

Our Philosophy:

Our philosophy is based on the Healthy for Life Optimal Health Triad. We believe that optimal health is achieved through education and practice of the three pillars of optimal health. You cannot have one without the other:

1) Low-Glycemic Eating
2) Supplementation
3) Exercise

About the Program:

HealthyGirl’s Healthy for Life Program is a 12-week program including coaching, resource lists, books, supplementation, grocery lists and the education required to sustain a lifestyle program. This program is designed for individuals who are committed to embarking on the optimal health journey. Remember that optimal health is a journey, not a destination. This program is designed to educate individuals on an optimal health lifestyle that is simple, sustainable and proven!

Our Coaches:

Our HealthyGirl coaches have a passion for health, wellness and nutrition. They are also incredibly passionate about helping others achieve optimal health. Our coaches are HealthyGirl certified and have incredible backgrounds ranging from certified nutritionists, professional athletes, personal trainers and energy healers. We have extremely high standards when it comes to our coaches and only certify the most trained, dynamic and educated coaches who truly demonstrate optimal health.

Contact for more information!